Paralelní Polis

Building on philosophical background of Charter 77, Czechoslovak dissident movement, and cryptoanarchy from the Cypherpunk movement, Paralelní Polis was formed in 2014. As a nonprofit, Polis provides public with open space to learn, collaborate and explore. Topics of this content are represented by the triangle logo – Art, Science and Technology. For more than 8 years, Polis has served many local communities – hackers, artists, biologists and environmentalists, activists, philosophers, crypto communities, AI researchers, etc. Local and also global communities are attracted to various concepts Paralelní Polis includes: – Bitcoin Coffee: educational café where anybody can come and get his first coffee for Bitcoin with our help. The first place in the world to accept only cryptocurrencies has pioneered this topic and onboarded local people to the crypto ecosystem extensively. – PaperHub: coworking space and hub of like-minded peers from various communities. – Institute of Cryptoanarchy: hosting local meetups, events and conferences, think tank focused on sustaining ideas of cypherpunk. – YT studio: multimedia studio which serves us and the public for creating YouTube educational content, podcasts, streams, etc. – Bordel: hackerspace, manifestation of chaos where the actual tools are being built and used by local hackers. We are thrilled to welcome the Ethereum community in Prague and hope you will enjoy the best time in Paralelní Polis.
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